
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Caregivers and Situational Awareness
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
One of the more challenging things that caregivers face is feeling disoriented. Caregiving hits are bodies, minds, emotions, professions, money, and relationships - often simultaneously.
We desperately need "situational awareness."

Friday Jun 02, 2023
Oliver North Discusses His Role as Caregiver
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Lt. Col. Oliver North, USMC, Ret. joined me for a special conversation about his life as a caregiver for his wife, Betsy. I sent the manuscript of my new book, A MINUTE FOR CAREGIVERS - When Every Day Feels Like Monday to Col. North's publishing company (Fidelis Publishing).
The manuscript resonated deeply with Col. North - who is in his own difficult caregiving journey. He not only expressed a great desire to publish this book but also graciously offered to write the foreword - which I included below:
Foreword by Oliver L. North
The Mayo Clinic diagnosis wasn’t good—but at least we had one, instead of guessing. After returning from an assignment as an embedded correspondent and host of War Stories on FOX News, I believed Betsy—the half-century-plus love of my life; my best friend on earth; mom to our four magnificent adult children; “Nan” to our eighteen terrific grandchildren—must have had a stroke.
Lots of people, including my own mother, recovered from strokes. Betsy will too, I hoped. I was wrong. After several days of carefully examining Betsy and countless images of her head and body, the extraordinary doctors at Mayo gently delivered their findings— verbally and in writing: “Your wife has a degenerative, asymmetric brain disorder called corticobasal syndrome . . . It is characterized by apraxia and rigidity on one side of the body . . . These symptoms are often accompanied by dementia and ‘cognitive disarray’ . . . As of now, it is incurable, and untreatable . . .”
My initial reaction to this devastating diagnosis was, "Betsy, you and I have been through a lot together. We have so many things planned for our “Golden Years”! I’m a U.S. Marine; we’re a team and followers of the Miracle Worker, Jesus Christ!"
We’re going to beat this evil malady.
But we haven’t.
Shortly after we returned home from Rochester, Minnesota, MajGen John Grinalds, USMC (Ret), and his wife, Norwood—dear friends since the 1970s when their examples led us to our faith in Christ—came to visit us. After listening to the diagnosis, John asked, “Who are you feeling sorry for, Betsy or you?” After thinking about it, I replied, “Me.” John nodded and said, “Your new mission, Marine, is become the very best caregiver Betsy will ever have on earth!”
Thus, began for me, the most challenging physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual experience of my eighty years on earth. That was nearly five years ago. Despite many months of reading, listening to “coaches,” viewing countless videos, even keeping company with several thousand terribly wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Guardsmen, and Marines—and their families—I was exhausted and adrift on how to be Betsy’s caregiver.
Then, Peter Rosenberger sent his draft of this inspiring book. Finally, I thought, someone who knows what I’m going through. He’s been there, done that!
A Minute for Caregivers is now my “go-to” primer for every challenge I face in caring for my best friend. If being a caregiver to someone you love is part of your life, you need this book.

Wednesday May 24, 2023
A Minute For Caregivers
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
My new book hits bookstores 5/31/2023. Each chapter offers 1-minute insights to help the family caregiver in THAT moment. Drawing upon a lifetime of caregiving, I speak to my fellow caregivers in a way that makes sense and settles their hearts down. I point them to safety.
Order the book today at:
- Faithful Text (special discount)
- Amazon
- Wal-Mart
- Barnes & Noble
Or wherever books are sold.

Sunday May 21, 2023
Facing Giants
Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
In our ongoing series of helping caregivers stay safe, we tackle fighting a battle while trying to be something we're not. Plus, we delve into five common financial missteps.
A MIINUTE FOR CAREGIVERS - When Every Day Feels Like Monday hits bookstores 5/31/20231 You can pre-order today at www.hopeforthecaregiver.com/book

Tuesday May 16, 2023
Caregivers and Financial Issues
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Emily Boothroyd of Merrit Finacial Advisors (www.merritfa.com) called the program to share insights for caregivers when dealing with finances. eboothroyd@meritfa.com
Sharing five things to avoid; two of them are:
- Staying silent
- Trying to do it all
Listen to the whole conversation and feel free to reach out to Emily for any questions you may have.

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Things For Caregivers to Watch Out For
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
From our broadcast on 04/08/2023, here are a few things that caregivers might want to watch out for.

Saturday Apr 01, 2023
When Words Fail
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Some heartaches we face defy words - but words are not always required. In those moments, we groan, and "...grieve with those who grieve and mourn with those who mourn."