Thursday Jun 25, 2020
#425 Caregivers and Chronic Pain (Part 2)
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
One of the more troubling issues facing us as caregivers is caring for someone who is in chronic pain. This is a continuation of our discussion about this topic for family caregivers.
Peter Rosenberger hosts the nationally syndicated program: HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER.
Hope for the Caregiver is the broadcast outreach of Standing With Hope, a 501(c) 3 organization. Donations are considered tax-deductible by IRS laws.
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
#424 What Raiders of the Lost Ark Taught Me About Loving Someone in Chronic Pain
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Teachable moments often appear in unexpected places. For example, a scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark drove home a core principle about being in a relationship with someone who lives with pain.
This episode is part of series we're doing on chronic pain, suffering, pain management, and other issues that affect us as family caregivers. Feel free to add your thoughts ...and share this with someone you know who lives with a suffering loved one.
Peter Rosenberger hosts the nationally syndicated program: HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER.
Hope for the Caregiver is the broadcast outreach of Standing With Hope, a 501(c) 3 organization. Donations are considered tax-deductible by IRS laws.
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
#423 The Deceitful Allure Of Rage
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
From Hope for the Caregiver 6/20/2020.
A pastor friend once told me, "Rage is the most delicious of sins - it gives the illusion of power."
As a caregiver, we find ourselves faced with a long list of injustices. Do we rage against them? What does that look like as a caregiver?
For me, i discovered a surprising antidote for rage.
We talked about it on the air, plus took calls ...one in particular provided an opportunity to explore the current destruction in our cities as a teachable moment.
Peter Rosenberger hosts the nationally syndicated program: HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER.
Hope for the Caregiver is the broadcast outreach of Standing With Hope, a 501(c) 3 organization. Donations are considered tax-deductible by IRS laws.
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
#422 "...In these Uncertain Times"
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
A recent opinion column of mine sparked an interest the subject of "In these uncertain times." American Family Radio asked to interview me for short spot that airs on their network.
Click Here to read the article:
Peter Rosenberger is the host of the nationally syndicated radio program, HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER. He and his wife, Gracie (who has recovered from the COVID-19 virus) live in Southwest Montana. www.hopeforthecaregiver.com
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
In this Father's Day message, my friend, Pastor Jim Bachmann talks about a story we all know ...from a different perspective than most have heard.
Rev. Jim Bachmann is the senior pastor of Stephens Valley Church in Nashville, TN. He's been our pastor and friend for more than twenty years. You can livestream Stephens Valley and also access their archives.
Caregiving is hard enough. It's harder alone. It's even harder without an assurance of God's love and provision. This message strengthens my heart, and I believe it will also encourage yours.
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver is the broadcast outreach of Standing With Hope, a 501(c) 3 organization. Donations are considered tax-deductible by IRS laws.
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Saturday Night Live Alum, Jim Breuer, called the show for a special Father's Day episode. In all our years on the air, Jim's interview soared up to one of my all time favorites.
"If you don't have people who can laugh with you ...you're doomed."
- Jim Breuer
From Home Improvement to Saturday Night Live, Jim Breuer brings a comedy legacy to audiences across the country. Calling the show, Jim also shared his huge heart and great love of family as shared his own journey as a caregiver. Recalling introducing his father to Sylvester Stallone, Jim launched into an impression of the Rocky star that had us howling with laughter. Jim's rapid fire delivery showed no mercy to John and me as we vainly tried to catch our breath. But then just as quick, Jim opened his heart to share deeply personal and poignant events with his father.
Peter Rosenberger hosts the nationally syndicated program, HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER.
Hope for the Caregiver's podcast contains 400+ episodes in our library. We want to make it free to any who needs to connect...so, please consider being a patron today. For as little as $1 per month, you can help us continue to reach family caregivers! Click here for more!
Hope for the Caregiver is the broadcast outreach of Standing With Hope, a 501(c) 3 organization. Donations are considered tax-deductible by IRS laws.
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
One of the most welcome, encouraging, and consistent voices to family caregivers is Gary Barg. for decades, he's lead the "Fearless Caregiver" conferences and published "Today's Caregiver."
In his new book, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, Gary continues ...even in this time of social distancing ...to find new ways to grab as many caregivers by the lapels and let them know that they indeed are not alone.
Listen to his inspiring (and hilarious) conversation with me (and John Butler- the Count of Mighty Disco) from Sunday's show.
Find out more about Gary and his book at www.Caregiver.com
Peter Rosenberger hosts the nationally syndicated program, HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER.
Hope for the Caregiver's podcast contains 400+ episodes in our library. We want to make it free to any who needs to connect...so, please consider being a patron today. For as little as $1 per month, you can help us continue to reach family caregivers! Click here for more!
Hope for the Caregiver is the family caregiver outreach of Standing With Hope