Friday May 22, 2020
#406 The Most Frequent Commandment in Scripture: "Fear Not!"
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
For bonus material for the podcast, i like to include a series from my dear friend and former pastor in Nashville, TN.
Rev. Jim Bachmann's had a huge impact on me as a believer ...and as a caregiver. Many of the precepts I've learned have been through his sermons and our many conversations. Although Gracie and I moved to Southwest Montana, Jim and I talk regularly each week and he continues to provide tremendous counsel to me.
Jim is the pastor of Stephens Valley Church and you can enjoy their services online. https://stephensvalleychurch.com/
This message is about fear ...and trusting God when things simply don't make sense to us. Does that sound familiar to us as caregivers?
FEAR is one of the 7 Caregiver Landmines that plague all of us as family caregivers. I believe this message will strengthen your heart as much as it did mine.
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
The Opposite of Certainty is the story of Janine’s reluctant journey beyond easy answers and platitudes. She searches for a source of strength bigger than her circumstances, only to have her circumstances become even thornier with her own crisis. Drawn deeply and against her will into herself, and into the eternal questions we all ask, she discovers hidden reserves of strength, humor, and a no-matter-what faith that looks nothing like she thought it would.
Beautifully written and deeply hopeful, Janine shows us how can we come through impossible times, transformed and yet more ourselves than we’d ever allowed ourselves to be.
Hope for the Caregiver's podcast contains 400+ episodes in our library. We want to make it free to any who needs to connect...so, please consider being a patron today. For as little as $1 per month, you can help us continue to reach family caregivers! Click here for more!
Hope for the Caregiver is the family caregiver outreach of Standing With Hope
Tuesday May 19, 2020
#404 Stephen Ministries: Equipping God's People for Ministry
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Stephen Ministries founder, Dr. Kenneth Haugk called the show to discuss the work of this extraordinary organization. Dr. Haugk, along with program director, Joel Bretscher, share the scope and vision of Stephen Ministries, as well as the way they are adapting to the social distancing challenges currently facing the world.
If you want to know more about Stephen Ministries, please call: 314 428 2600 or visit:
Hope for the Caregiver's podcast contains 400+ episodes in our library. We want to make it free to any who needs to connect...so, please consider being a patron today. For as little as $1 per month, you can help us continue to reach family caregivers! Click here for more!
Hope for the Caregiver is the family caregiver outreach of Standing With Hope
Monday May 18, 2020
#403 Playing the Melody: Caregivers and The Loss of Identity
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Do you feel you've lost yourself in someone else's story? As a caregiver, it's easy to do. Hooking up a keyboard for the show, I demonstrate how losing the melody served as a teachable moment for me.
From HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER, the nationally syndicated radio program through American Family Radio. 5/16/2020
Sunday May 17, 2020
#402 Bonus Material for Podcast: Heaven's Not The Reason
Sunday May 17, 2020
Sunday May 17, 2020
Years ago, I listen to a preacher tell the congregation, "Don't you want to go to Heaven?"
Well ...who doesn't? But is that the reason I trust Christ?
If the whole point of this is "fire-insurance" then why are we left on this earth?
With that in mind, I wrote down, "Heaven's Not the Reason." At the piano, I developed a melody ...and then asked my long-time friend, Hank Martin, to help me finish this song.
When Gracie started her project,RESILIENT, we dusted this song off ...and she and our friend, Scat Springs sang it together.
If you want a copy of the CD, RESILIENT, click this link: www.standingwithhope.com/resilient
Hope for the Caregiver's podcast contains 400 + episodes in our library. We want to make it free to any who needs to connect...so, please consider being a patron today. For as little as $1 per month, you can help us continue to reach family caregivers! Click here for more!
Peter Rosenberger is the host of the nationally syndicated program, HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER. For more than 34 years, he's cared for his wife, Gracie, who lives with severe disabilities. (80+ surgeries, multiple amputations)
For more information, visit www.hopeforthecaregiver.com
Friday May 15, 2020
#401 Fridays With Pastor Jim Bachmann: "Unbelievable Unbelief"
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
On this podcast, I like to include special features ...and one of those is a sermon a week from my pastor back in Nashville, Jim Bachmann. Although Gracie and I left Tennessee to move to Southwest Montana, Jim and I talk several times a week. Jim's been a HUGE part of my journey as a caregiver and as a Christian, and I felt my subscribers would also find his messages meaningful.
This is part of a series about Jesus' Parables that Jim is currently teaching.
For more information, visit www.stephensvalleychurch.com
Hope for the Caregiver's podcast contains more than 400 episodes in our library. We want to make it free to any who needs to connect...so, please consider being a patron today. For as little as $1 per month, you can help us continue to reach family caregivers! Click here for more!
Have you ever helped someone else walk? Click below to learn more
Wednesday May 13, 2020
#400 My Toughest Issue as a Caregiver? Knowing What is Mine ...and Not Mine.
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
A reporter once asked me, What's the toughest issue for you as a caregiver?
"Hands down," I replied. "Knowing What is Mine and Not Mine."
All too many times, because I felt out of control, I tried to insert myself into things that were not mine to control (or attempt to control). Is that a common feeling for you as a caregiver?
We discussed this on the show ...plus we took calls. Some of these calls are hard to hear, but that's the purpose of this show ...to provide a safe place for people to share these burdens.
Hope for the Caregiver's podcast contains 400 episodes in our library. We want to make it free to any who needs to connect...so, please consider being a patron today. For as little as $1 per month, you can help us continue to reach family caregivers! Click here for more!
Have you ever helped someone else walk? Click below to learn more