Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Many years ago our family met President George W. Bush when Gracie performed at an event with him.
Several weeks later, I had an opportunity to return to the same venue. Walking past the empty ballroom where the entire weight of the US Presidency stood briefly, the contrast struck me.
Unlike the President's office, Christ dwells within us and the full weight of HIS office never leaves, is never dismantled, and is not bound to geographical locations.
Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him." - John 14:23
FROM: Hope for the Caregiver Broadcast May 23 2020
Peter Rosenberger is the host of HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER ...the nationally syndicated radio program.
See latest from Peter Rosenberger in the news:
From the CHRISTIAN POST: May 24 2020
As a parade of commercials open with, “During these uncertain times …” eyebrows across the country must raise in a level of incredulity as millions silently whisper, “Welcome to my world!”
When times were “certain:”
- Huge swaths of the country hemorrhaged financially long before COVID-19 became a household word.
- Guilt lurked as a constant companion for parents of special needs children.
- Marriages crumbled under the strain of disability.
- Family members of alcoholics and addicts bore the heartbreak of a loved one’s volatile and unstable behavior.
- Millions struggled to care for disabled loved ones and/or aging parents.
- 22 Veterans committed suicide each day.
- Fellow citizens felt the sting of discrimination.
- Chronic pain persisted for so many plagued by disease or injury.
- Death remained inevitable.
No politician, health official, or vaccine can provide us with certainty. We shore up the best we can while learning to make peace with ambiguity. We shake hands with uncertainty. READ MORE ...