Wednesday May 08, 2019
THE Radio Show for Family Caregivers 5/5/19
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
“How can you laugh through what you all live through!?”
Peter Rosenberger often hears that question when people learn of his 33 year journey as a caregiver for his wife, Gracie, who lives with severe disabilities. (80+ operations including the amputation of both legs).
Yet, both Peter and Gracie draw hope from their deep faith which strengthens their hearts and their sense of humor.
Peter’s weekly radio show, Hope for the Caregiver, is heard on more than 185 stations. Through his show, along with his books and speaking events, Peter address the challenges of life, business, and relationships with candor, compassion, and comedy.
Drawing upon his martial arts studies (Peter has a 2nd degree black-belt in Hapkido), Peter equips audiences to practice self-defense of the heart.
This episode is from May 5 2019. Opening with show producer, John Butler (AKA the Count of Mighty Disco) Peter takes listeners on journey through humor, compassion, and hope ...and points fellow caregivers to a place of safety.