
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Immeasurable Cost
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Immeasurable Cost
A close pastor friend of mine called me after burying his beloved dog. While digging the hole, he wept while angrily reflecting on how much he hated death. The conversation turned to the countless funerals he presided over during his ministry – I played the piano for many of those services. We talked a bit longer about some of the cherished families we ministered to during those funerals, and we discussed our shared anger at death. Then he said something that's never left me.
"Do you know who hates death more?"
"God hates death," he stated quietly.
Pausing, he then added, "He hates it so much that he took it upon Himself to provide a way to defeat death."
When Jesus stood at his friend Lazarus' grave, John 11:38 shares He was "…deeply moved." Some translations state that anger welled up in Jesus—anger at death.
Mere weeks after standing at Lazarus' grave, on what we celebrate as Easter Sunday, Jesus indeed conquered death, but at immeasurable cost to Himself.
“Please - Aslan,” said Lucy, “can anything be done to save Edmund?” “All shall be done,” said Aslan. “But it may be harder than you think.” – C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.