Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Fight What's Closest
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Sometimes as caregivers, we look at the problems in our field of view and subsequently try to tackle all of them at once. The healthier approach is dealing with what is nearest to us. My martial arts instructor often tells me to “Fight what’s closet!” A distant opponent can wait until we deal with the obstacle directly in front of us. Difficult things may lurk on the horizon for caregivers, but fixating and fretting over them is unhealthy. Planning is appropriate, but we better serve ourselves and others by focusing on what lies within our grasp, rather than living in the wreckage of our future. Sometimes it’s as easy as just doing the next right thing …which may be taking a nap, calling a friend, or even visiting your own doctor. Look, we both know that more challenges await us, but let’s deal with today …what’s closest …and do the next… right… thing.
Your Caregiver Minute by author/radio host and 30+ year family caregiver, Peter Rosenberger.
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