Sunday Jun 17, 2018
A Caregiver on the Campaign Trail
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
As a rule, I am intrigued by any political figure serving as a caregiver. Joseph Williams, however, caught my eye more than most. He's the husband of a wife who lives with a disability as a result of a car accident, and they're the parents of two boys.
Since I am the husband of a wife with severe disabilities from a car accident, and WE are the parents of two boys (I should say two grown men now!), Joseph and Palmer Williams story connected powerfully with me.
THEN ...I had the privilege of talking with him on my show, HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER, and listen to him share his story and passion to serve.
We need more caregivers in political office to help advocate for families with special needs and challenges. I am glad Joseph is running for office, and I hope his story inspires others to do the same!
Joseph Williams, a native Tennessean, is an attorney and founding partner of The Peacefield Group, a legal and policy consulting firm in Nashville. Prior to founding The Peacefield Group, he practiced law at the American Center for Law & Justice, advising national and international clients. His practice focuses on upholding the Constitution and keeping all levels of government accountable to the people. He has written extensively on issues of educational equity and on the dignity and rights of people with developmental disabilities, drawing poignant insights from the life of his sister, Mary.
Before beginning his legal career, Joseph taught U.S. history and civics at Whites Creek High School in Nashville. As an undergraduate at Vanderbilt University, he was elected Student Body President. As a Vanderbilt Law School student, he led the Federalist Society and Christian Legal Society.
Active in advocating for quality school options for all students, Joseph serves as the Chairman of the Board at STRIVE Collegiate Academy. He and his wife, Palmer, live with their two young sons in Crieve Hall, and teach Sunday School at Redemption City Church, where he serves as an elder.
Peter Rosenberger is a thirty-year caregiver for his wife Gracie, who lives with severe physical disabilities. He is the author of Hope for the Caregiver and his radio show for family caregivers is syndicated on more than 200 stations across the country. @hope4caregiver