
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
A Bowl of Soup and a Kind Word
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
During a challenging hospital stay for my wife, friends called and asked me to stop by their home. After doing laundry, I swung by their house while returning to the hospital. Smiling at the puzzled look on my face, they directed me to the kitchen table, where a single place setting awaited.
“Your in-laws are caring for your boys, and the hospital staff is caring for Gracie. Sit, eat, and let us care for you. They promptly served me a steaming bowl of vegetable beef soup, a massive slice of cornbread, and a large glass of tea. As a child of the South, they couldn’t have picked a better meal for me.
I tried to make conversation but couldn’t find the words. “Just eat and rest,” they repeated several times.
After finishing the meal, I got up to head back to the hospital, and they both hugged me. “You have a lot to do, but now do it on a full stomach – knowing that you’re loved.”
Many express difficulties in knowing how to help a caregiver, but most caregivers agree that it’s not complicated.
Sometimes it’s just a bowl of soup and a kind word.
“The angel of God came back, shook him [Elijah] awake again, and said, “Get up and eat some more—you’ve got a long journey ahead of you.”– I Kings 19:7 The Message (The Bible)
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